Yesterday (May 6th) was my transfer. The BIG day!! The day before (May 5th), I found out late in the day that my transfer was scheduled for 12:45 pm. I wasn’t sure if they were actually going to tell me because it was after the office was officially closed.
On the morning of transfer, my DH took the girls to our sitter and then he drove me to the meet up point with my MIL. My MIL drove me the rest of the way to the clinic. On the way I had to drink so much water and take a Valium one hour before the transfer. My IM met us at the clinic and we checked in. We didn’t have to wait long at all and it was time to go back and gown up. I let my MIL and my IM go back with me while they did the transfer.
The transfer went pretty quickly. The dr put two little embabies in and then I was good to go! I laid there for a few extra minutes and then went to the bathroom because I really had to pee!!
The first pic below is the US pic right after the dr put the embabies in my uterus. The little white patch is where the babies are!

Here is the two little embabies that were transferred!!

When we were done at the clinic, my MIL and me went out to eat with my IM. Then we made the trek back (with a little nap for me)! We detoured where my MIL lives and my SIL took over the driving to meet up with my DH. Then my DH and I went to pick up the girls from the sitter. It was later in the evening when I finally got home so it wasn’t long before I went to bed.
My beta is schedule to be drawn next Thursday. Although, I will likely cheat with a HPT! ;)