Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My application is in!

After looking through several websites of agencies in Ohio I decided on an agency.

I contacted the agency lady about becoming a surrogate and she sent me my application to fill out. Tonight I turned everything in. This definitely seemed like the big step and this is really gonna happen (as long as someone likes me enough to pick me). I’m quite excited!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Moving forward

I finally decided it was time to move forward with surrogacy. I wanted to wait until my daughter, E, was a year old or older. The time feels right. My next move is to look at different agencies and see which one I think would be the best fit for me. I know I have several to choose from that are in my state but I need to look into each a bit closer.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why Surrogacy?

I’m sure many people are wondering why I would want to be a surrogate and carry someone else’s child so I’ll explain why.

I never had any intention of being a surrogate until our daughter, C, passed away. I was involuntarily thrust into the world of babyloss. In this community of moms (and dads) there were those who struggled with infertility. I saw how difficult it can be for some to have children and it opened my heart to want to help someone who couldn’t have a child or carry a child themselves. I’ve been blessed to be able to conceive, carry, and birth 4 beautiful daughters. I want to be able to give the gift of a child to another couple who need help doing so. So, it is because of my daughter that I have chosen to do this. She has inspired me in so many ways and I am continually thankful for her.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Redirection of this blog

This space used to be my family blog for several years where I blogged publicly. I then decided to make it private and kept blogging. Eventually though, I stopped and it's been sitting ever since. I didn't want to delete it so I kept it in case I ever wanted to use it for something else.

I've decided that this blog will now be where I blog about my surrogacy journey. I do plan to keep some anonymity with this new change. Those who know me personally won't be bothered by this and it offers a bit more protection than being so open about some things like names.

So, to everyone who visits here I welcome you! You can always leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by. :)